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搭載フィルター:550nm、570nm プリンター内蔵
●Operating panel:Membrane pad with 2 arrow keys,6 function keys and numeral keys
●Display:2 lines×16 alphabet characters LCD
●Computer interface: Bi-directional RS232C serial communication port
●Report types:Raw,Absorbance,Matrix,Limit,Cutoff,and Concentration
●Mixing capability:Yes
●Photometric Methods:Single and dual wavelength
●Photo detectors:8 silicon photodiodes
●Light source:Tungsten halogen lamp 20W ,5000 hours life
●Spectral range:400nm to 700nm
●Filter capacity:4 filters
●Interference filters:Band width:10nm,center wavelength :±3.0nm
●Standard filters:415,490nm
●Optional filters:550,570nm